Different Views on Prophecy

Because so many verses in the Bible pertain to end-time events, it is not surprising that many Christians interpret Scriptures differently. Listed below are different views that people hold concerning end-times prophecy.

Preterist View: This view of prophecy sees the book of Revelation as fulfilled in the 1st Christian century.

Amillennial View: Teaches that the book of Revelation is symbolic of a present spiritual conflict. The Second Coming of Christ will immediately usher in the final judgment and eternity. This view does not believe there will be a final 7-year tribulation, an Antichrist, or a literal 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. Amillennial means "No millennium."

Premillennial View: Teaches that Jesus will return to earth and will then establish a literal 1,000 year reign upon the earth. Jesus will rule over the earth from Jerusalem. Within this view are 3 variations.

1) Premillennial, Post-tribulation view: Teaches the rapture and Second Coming are the same event. The rapture occurs at the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the 7-year Tribulation.

2) Premillennial, Pre-wrath view: Teaches the rapture and the Second Coming are separate events. The rapture occurs sometime during the Tribulation-before God pours out His wrath upon the earth.

3) Premillennial, Pre-tribulation view: Teaches the rapture and Second Coming are separate events. The rapture happens before the 7-year Tribulation begins. This website holds to this view of prophecy. It's o.k. for Christians to disagree concerning their views on prophecy, but those disagreements should not cause division. Christians should agree to disagree on differing prophetic viewpoints because our fellowship is in Jesus Christ, not in a particular view of prophecy.

Bible Study
